
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Jessie Close on Bozeman
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
I talk to my old friend Jessie Close about Bozeman Montana.

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Kabir Sehgal on Carry On, his book on John Lewis
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
I talk to Kabir Sehgal is the Founder & CEO of Tiger Turn, a multimedia production company that makes films & music. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sixteen books including seven non-fiction books Fandango at the Wall was nominated for an Audie Award for Best Original Work. He has appeared on CNN, PBS, NPR, C-SPAN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox News, National Geographic, Fusion, and Cheddar TV. Sehgal has won six Grammy & five Latin Grammy Awards as a record producer.. He served as a speechwriter on a presidential campaign and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
His new book Is called Carry On, Reflections for New Generation an empowering collection of final reflections and words of wisdom from venerable civil rights champion, the late Congressman John Lewis at the end of his remarkable life.
Congressman John Lewis was a paragon of the Civil Rights Movement and political leadership for decades. A hero we won’t soon forget, Lewis was a beacon of hope and a model of humility whose invocation to “good trouble” continues to inspire millions across our nation. In his last months on earth, even while battling cancer, he dedicated time to share his memories, beliefs, and advice—exclusively immortalized in these pages—as a message to the generations to come. Organized by topic ranging from justice, courage, faith, mentorship, and forgiveness to the protests and the pandemic, and many more besides, Carry On collects the late Congressman’s thoughts for readers to draw on whenever they are in need of guidance. John Lewis had great confidence in our future, even as he died in the midst of one of our country’s most challenging years to date. With this book, he performs that crucial passing of the baton, empowering us to live up to the legacy he has left us with his perseverance, dedication, profound insight, and unwavering ability to see the good in life.

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Jennifer K Hill latest adventures
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Jennifer K Hill calls in from Lisbon about her recent trips to England, France and Her new place in Lisbon.
Lots of great information on traveling.

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
A tribute to Peter Baldwin
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
A tribute to Peter Baldwin, who recently passed away, from author John Harrisson, who has written a history on the Haleakala Ranch and spent 3 years interviewing the head of Maui's Haleakala Ranch for an in depth biography of this iconic man.

Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Another Mystical Perspective based on Dr. Masters book, Spiritual Mind POwer Affirmations. Athis one has not only affirmations but a talk and meditation.

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Grammy award winning Jim "kimo" West on new CD
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
I talk to Grammy award winning Jim "Kimo" West on new CD .A follow-up to his Grammy-nominated album Moku Maluhia [2018], Kimo brings his unique interpretation of ki ho’alu or Hawaiian "slack key” guitar to this collection of twelve new original compositions.

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Katie Thiroux
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
I talk with Katie Thiroux. Amazing Jazz bass player and vocalist. JAZZ MAUI PRESENTS The 2nd Annual Jazz Blues and Beyond Benefit Concert
Featuring The Katie Thiroux Trio with Quincy Jones Protégé Justin Kauflin, & The Phil Smith Trio,
Saturday, July 3rd at the new Bozeman Center, Graham Theater on the campus of Maui Preparatory Academy in Napili
Preshow - 5:00
Concert : 6:00

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Ruby Mazur in Lahaina Friday at 5p
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Culture-shifting painter, Ruby Mazur, is revisiting his iconic 1971 ‘Mouth & Tongue’ symbol from The
Rolling Stones’ ‘Tumbling Dice’ record sleeve to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of its creation. Ruby will
show 13 derivative pieces of the ‘Mouth & Tongue’ that continue to embody the spirit of rock n’ roll at
the Holle Fine Arts Gallery on Maui in collaboration with Cosmic Wire; a cutting edge and revolutionary
hybrid art exhibit displaying both digital NFTs and physical canvas of the works.
Adding to the immersive gallery experience on July 2nd will be a new experience, with live music by
Falling Doves and a surprise NFT for event patrons as they mingle with Ruby and other influencers from
the island. A percentage of the NFT proceeds go to LET ME HELP, a New York based charity in support of
The American Cancer Society, Anti-Bullying, Broadway Heros, Covid-19 Relief and Prostate Cancer.
Ever since earning a Grammy nomination for designing the ‘CrowFoot’ album art in the 1960’s, Ruby
Mazur has been asked to illustrate and communicate the musical message of the world’s most famous
performers. Capturing pivotal moments and cementing trends, Ruby has worked on over 3,000 album
covers for artists like Elton John, Billy Joel, Ray Charles, Sarah Vaughn, Van Morrison, Jim Croce, Jimmy
Buffet and B.B. King or with record labels like Paramount, Atlantic, and Warner Bros.
The paintings and works are inspired by Ruby’s outrageous rock n’ roll days and his second life in Maui,
conveying the wild and dynamic music scene with the humility of the island way of life.
“Going digital with Cosmic Wire on my paintings with these new NFTs is like the “Old World” going into
the new frontier of the “New World” of Art” commented Ruby, “This is an exciting new experience,
merging both worlds where I can dip my brush into paint with one stroke and it goes almost instantly
around the world.”
Futurist publishing and technology company, Cosmic Wire, specializes in protecting and monetizing the
world's most valuable IP, traversing the now trillion dollar blockchain industry since its 300% market
increase from 2019-2020. Understanding the potential of NFTs to enable artists to sell and own their
work directly, Cosmic Wire is focused on fair agreements, direct rewards, and downstream residuals and
payments via their proprietary Licensing and Publishing model.
The artworks will be authenticated and protected using proprietary and unique technology from Cosmic
Wire partners, REV3AL Technology and NCODED, disruptive multi-factor authentication and encryption
technology that shows the authentic creation of the work and protects it from being counterfeited in the
digital space.
The holistic multi-media company will be producing and publishing a number of exciting projects over the
coming months while also founding a clean energy solution specifically focused on the environmental
impact of the crypto industry and secure digital archive to protect humanity’s most valuable artistic
Ruby Mazur
YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
the real you
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
This is a talk and meditation on who you really are

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Legendary Waterman, Archie Kalepa
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
A talk with the legendary Waterman Archie Kalepa. Here's a link to the mini-series, with Archie Kalepa to discover and connect past and present, mauka and makai.